Define your signature sound and discover the perfect snare drum for the way you play.

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Find Your Backbeat
Definiere deinen eigenen Signature Sound und finde die perfekte Snare Drum für deinen Stil.

Snares im Vergleich
Viele sind der Meinung, dass der Drummer nicht die Snare, sondern die Snare den Drummer auswählt. Es wird Zeit, dein Schicksal selber in die Hand zu nehmen.
Wähle einfach beliebige Snares aus dem Drop-Down-Menü aus und lass dich von Yamaha Artist Miles McPherson bei der Suche nach deinem perfekten Sound unterstützen.
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×Unser Lineup
Welcher Stil oder Sound soll es sein?
Wir helfen dir, die richtige Wahl zu treffen!

Holzkessel Snares
Metall Snares
Dein Signature Sound wartet auf dich!
Nimm Platz im Snare Studio und entdecke Tipps, Tricks und Techniken, die deine Fähigkeiten erweitern und deinen Ton optimieren.

Wie du deinen eignen Signature Snare Drum Sound kreierst

Die Anatomie einer Snare Drum

Drum! Yamaha Tour and Recording Custom Snare Drums im Vergleich
Snare Drum Warm-Up Series
Part 1
As an educator and professional performer, I have noticed that over the years, my practice time has decreased for one reason or another. I have also found that the older I get...
Snare Drum Warm-Up Series
Part 2
Element #2: Moving from Big Muscles to Small Muscles. This exercise is a combination of singles, doubles and paradiddles. Note that this is written in 3/4 time. Too often...
Snare Drum Warm-Up Series
Part 3
The two previous blog articles in this series got your hands moving. They started with eighth notes and progressed to sixteenth notes. The exercises in this posting will begin...
Snare Drum Warm-Up Series
Part 4
Element #4: Flams. The flam is one of the original 13 National Association of Rudimental Drummers (N.A.R.D.) snare drum rudiments. It consists of a stroke preceded by a grace...
Snare Drum Warm-Up Series
Part 5
Element #5: Rolls. Rolls are arguably one of the most difficult elements of playing percussion. I like to incorporate double and triple/multiple bounce rolls into my warm...
Snare Drum Warm-Up Series
Part 6: The Wrap-Up
Putting it all together to create a comprehensive routine. We recently ran a series of articles here on the blog in which I introduced the elements that I believe should be a part of...